Ultra Processed Foods- NOVA 4

2 min readDec 15, 2020

Increased consumption of UPF is deleterious to health. Estimates indicate that 10% increase in the consumption of UPFs enhances the risk of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and certain types of cancer.

You might have heard several terminologies about food- fast food, junk food, street food, high sugar/salt food, and high fat. These food habits have been overtaking our food culture. The FSSAI meant to categorize and label unhealthy foods sold in market remains as a mere spectator forever.

It was found that the consumption of processed foods made people eat more. and led to increased obesity and type-2 diabetes. This led to the formation of category of foods.

What is NOVA classification?

NOVA classifies food groups as 1. Unprocessed/minimally processed 2. processed culinary ingredients 3. Processed foods and 4. Ultra-processed foods (UPFs).

What else does UPF’s contain?

Ultra-processed products also include other sources of energy and nutrients not normally used in culinary preparations. Some of these are directly extracted from foods, such as casein, lactose, whey and gluten.

Additives in ultra-processed foods include some also used in processed foods, such as preservatives, antioxidants, and stabilizers.

Impending health consequences

The overall purpose of ultra-processing is to create branded, convenient (durable, ready to consume), attractive (hyper-palatable) and highly profitable (low-cost ingredients) food products designed to displace all other food groups. Ultra-processed food products are usually packaged attractively and marketed intensively.

Some common examples of ultra-processed foods are packaged powdered baby milk, instant soups, noodles, packaged breads, carbonated drinks, packaged fruit juices, health or energy drinks, cakes, protein bars, and others.

Ideally, you should shop at the farmers market every day for fresh, local foods, and make all of our goodies from scratch.

Let us not lose this opportunity to act in time and let us foster a healthy generation.

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